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Imam Khomeinis Last Will and Testament


Title : Imam Khomeinis last will and testament

Author(s): Khomeini, Ruhollah

Publisher(s): Albany: Muslim students Association in U. S. and Canada, Persian Speaking Group, [19 ] = 13.

Congress Classification: DSR1574/و60492 1300

Dewey Classification: 955 /0842

National bibliography numbers: م 81-26030


سرشناسه : خمینی، روح الله، رهبر انقلاب و بنیانگذار جمهوری اسلامی ایران، 1368 - 1279

Khomeini, Ruhollah

عنوان قراردادی : [صحیفه انقلاب: وصیت نامه سیاسی - الهی ... . انگلیسی]

عنوان و نام پديدآور : Imam Khomeinis last will and testament

مشخصات نشر : Albany: Muslim students Association in U.S. and Canada, Persian Speaking Group, [1998 ] = 13.

مشخصات ظاهری : ص 68

وضعیت فهرست نویسی : فهرستنویسی قبلی

عنوان دیگر : Imam Khomeini's last will and testament

عنوان دیگر : صحیفه انقلاب: وصیت نامه سیاسی - الهی ... . انگلیسی

آوانویسی عنوان : )امام خمینی، ز لست ویل اند }(...{

موضوع : خمینی، روح الله، رهبر انقلاب و بنیانگذار جمهوری اسلامی ایران، 1368 - 1279 -- وصیت نامه

رده بندی کنگره : DSR1574/و60492 1300

رده بندی دیویی : 955 /0842

شماره کتابشناسی ملی : م 81-26030

دسترسی و محل الکترونیکی : http://dl.nlai.ir/UI/908853ee-4787-4929-b5d6-aa133d05597e/Catalogue.aspx


Imam's Final DiscourseThe text of the political and religious testament of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran,' Imam Khomeini

Category: Politics amp; Current Affairs Scholars

Person Tags: Imam Khomeini


In the Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate

The Prophet (S.A.W) said: "I leave two great and precious things among you: the Book of God and My Houshold. Verily, these two will never be separated from each other until they encounter me at the pool of Kawthar [in paradise].”- The tradition of Thaqalayn (1)

And, I feel it appropriate to remind you briefly of "The two trusts" (thaqalyn). [My approach] is not to talk of their transcendental, spiritual and mystical aspects where pens such as mine would be incapable of daring to venture into a domain whose cognition for all circles of beings, -from this world to the heavens and from there up to His Divine presence including circles which lie beyond the intellectual capacity of you and me- if not impossible, requires great efforts and demands perseverance.

Neither am I dealing with what has befallen upon humanity from its negligence and abandonment of true nature and stature of the greatest trust [the Holy Qur'an] and the greater trust [the Household of the Prophet], the latter being greatest of all entity but the greatest trust which is the absolute greatest (akbar al- motloq). Nor do I recount here what has befallen "the two trusts" from the enemies

p: 1

1- For an account of this important tradition for the Shi'i Muslims see Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai. Shi'ite in Islam. Translated by Sayyid Husayn Nasr. (Albany: The State University of NewYork Press, 1975) and the Sources cited therein. Based on this tradition, the Shi is consider these" two great and precious things" (thaqalayn) as the two cardinal foundations of their faith. Since the great interpreters of the Shi'i traditions and faith have also called them "the trusts" (amanat) of the prophet, in Imam Khomeini's testament wherever reference is given to it, we will translate it "the two trusts". (T).
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